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    来源:六七范文网 时间:2019-05-12 04:41:13 点击:

      The end of the world is near—December 21, 2012, to be exact—according to theories based on a purported2) ancient Maya prediction. But could humankind really meet its end in 2012—drowned in apocalyptic3) floods, walloped4) by a secret planet, seared5) by an angry sun, or thrown overboard by speeding continents? And did the ancient Maya—whose empire peaked between A.D. 250 and 900 in what is now Mexico and Central America—really predict the end of the world in 2012?
      Maya Predicted End of the World in 2012
      The Maya calendar doesn"t end in 2012, as some have said, and the ancients never viewed that year as the time of the end of the world, archaeologists say. But December 21, 2012 was nonetheless momentous to the Maya. "It"s the time when the largest grand cycle in the Mayan calendar—1,872,000 days or 5125.37 years—overturns and a new cycle begins," said Anthony Aveni, a Maya expert and archaeoastronomer at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York.
      The Maya kept time on a scale few other cultures have considered. During the empire"s heyday6), the Maya invented the Long Count7), a lengthy circular calendar. During the 2012 winter solstice, time runs out on the current era of the Long Count calendar, which began at what the Maya saw as the dawn of the last creation period: August 11, 3114 B.C. The Maya wrote that date as Day Zero.
      In December 2012 the lengthy era ends and the complicated, cyclical8) calendar will roll over again to Day Zero, beginning another enormous cycle. "The idea is that time gets renewed, that the world gets renewed all over again—often after a period of stress—the same way we renew time on New Year"s Day or even on Monday morning," said Aveni.
      Breakaway Continents Will Destroy Civilization
      In some 2012 doomsday9) prophecies, Earth becomes a deathtrap as it undergoes a "pole shift". The planet"s crust and mantle10) will suddenly shift, spinning around Earth"s liquid-iron outer core like an orange"s peel spinning around its fleshy fruit.   2012, the movie, envisions a Maya-predicted pole shift, triggered by an extreme gravitational pull on the planet—courtesy of a rare "galactic alignment11)"—and by massive solar radiation destabilizing the inner Earth by heating it. Breakaway oceans and continents dump cities into the sea, thrust palm trees to the poles, and spawn12) earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other disasters.
      Scientists dismiss such drastic13) scenarios14), but some researchers have speculated that a subtler shift could occur. Princeton University geologist Adam Maloof says magnetic evidence in rocks confirms that continents have undergone such drastic rearrangement, but the process took millions of years—slow enough that humanity wouldn"t have felt the motion.
      Galactic Alignment Spells Doom
      Some sky-watchers believe 2012 will close with a "galactic alignment", which will occur for the first time in 26,000 years. In this scenario, the path of the sun in the sky would appear to cross through what, from Earth, looks to be the midpoint of our galaxy, the Milky Way.
      Some fear that the lineup will somehow expose Earth to powerful unknown galactic forces that will hasten its doom—perhaps through a "pole shift" or the stirring of the supermassive black hole at our galaxy"s heart. Others see the purported event in a positive light, as heralding15) the dawn of a new era in human consciousness.
      Morrison, senior scientist with the NASA Astrobiology Institute, has a different view. "There is no "galactic alignment" in 2012," he said, "or at least nothing out of the ordinary." He explained that a type of "alignment" occurs during every winter solstice, when the sun, as seen from Earth, appears in the sky near what looks to be the midpoint of the Milky Way. Horoscope16) writers may be excited by alignments, Morrison said. But "the reality is that alignments are of no interest to science. They mean nothing". They create no changes in gravitational pull, solar radiation, planetary orbits, or anything else that would impact life on Earth.
      一些天文观测者认为,2012年年底将会上演 “银河对齐”,这将是2.6万年来该奇观首次出现。届时,太阳在天空中的运行轨迹似乎会穿过银河系的中点——从地球这里看去正位于我们所处的银河系的正中央。   有些人担心,银河对齐将会以某种方式(可能是“磁极转换”或是银河系中心超大质量黑洞活动)使地球遭受强大而未知的星系作用力,从而加快地球的灭亡。而其他人则对传言的“银河对齐”持积极看法,认为这预示着人类意识中新纪元的来临。
      Planet X Is on a Collision Course with Earth
      Some say it"s out there: a mysterious Planet X on a collision course with Earth—or at least a disruptive flyby. A direct hit would obliterate17) Earth, it"s said. Even a near miss, some fear, could shower Earth with deadly asteroid impacts hurled our way by the planet"s gravitational wake.
      Could such an unknown planet really be headed our way in 2012, even just a little bit? Well, no. "There is no object out there," Morrison said. "That"s probably the most straightforward thing to say." "If there were a planet or a brown dwarf18) or whatever that was going to be in the inner solar system, astronomers would have been studying it for the past decade and it would be visible to the naked eye by now," Morrison said. "It"s not there."
      2012年是否真有这样一颗未知行星正在冲向地球,哪怕只是一颗很小的行星?答案是:没有。“外太空没有这样的天体,”莫里森说,“这说起来可能是再简单明了不过的事了。”“如果真有这样一颗行星或者褐矮星或者其他天体闯入太阳系内部,那么天文学家这十年来早就在研究它了,现在用肉眼也就能看得到了,” 莫里森说,“根本就没这种天体。”
      Solar Storms to Savage Earth
      In some 2012 disaster scenarios, our own sun is the enemy. Our friendly neighborhood star, it"s rumored, will produce lethal19) eruptions of solar flares20), turning up the heat on Earthlings. Solar activity waxes and wanes21) according to approximately 11-year cycles. Big flares can indeed damage communications and other Earthly systems, but scientists have no indications the sun, at least in the short term, will unleash storms strong enough to fry the planet.
      "As it turns out the sun isn"t on schedule anyway," Morrison said. "We expect that this cycle probably won"t peak in 2012 but a year or two later."
      “不管怎么说,事实证明太阳的活动并不严格守时,” 莫里森说,“我们预计太阳耀斑的活动周期可能不会在2012年达到峰值,而是会出现在一两年后。”
      Maya Had Clear Predictions for 2012
      If the Maya didn"t expect the end of time in 2012, what exactly did they predict for that year? Many scholars say the empire didn"t leave a clear record predicting that anything specific would happen in 2012.   The Maya did pass down a graphic—though undated—end-of-the-world scenario, described on the final page of a circa-1100 text known as the Dresden Codex22). The document describes a world destroyed by flood, a scenario imagined in many cultures and probably experienced, on a less apocalyptic scale, by ancient peoples.
      Aveni said the scenario is not meant to be read literally—but as a lesson about human behavior. In fact, Aveni said, the Maya weren"t much for predictions. "The whole timekeeping scale is very past directed, not future directed," he said. "What you read on these monuments of the Long Count are events that connected Maya rulers with ancestors and the divine. The farther back you can plant your roots in deep time, the better argument you can make that you"re legit23). And I think that"s why these Maya rulers were using Long Count time. It"s not about a fixed prediction about what"s going to happen."
      1. debunk [?di??b??k] vt. 揭穿
      2. purported [p??p??t?d] adj. 传说的;谣传的
      3. apocalyptic [??p?k??l?pt?k] adj. 预示大动乱(或大灾变)的;预示世界末日恐怖景象的
      4. wallop [?w?l?p] vt. 猛击
      5. sear [s??(r)] vt. 烧焦……的表皮;烧灼
      6. heyday [?he?de?] n. 最兴盛的时期
      7. Long Count: 长计历,玛雅人创造的一种新的历法,用于记录更长的时间,并作为碑文铭刻用的日期。
      8. cyclical [?sa?kl?kl; ?s?kl?kl] adj. 循环的,周期的
      9. doomsday [?du?mzde?] n. 世界末日
      10. mantle [?m?ntl] n. 【地】地幔
      11. galactic alignment: 银河对齐,指银河系中心的黑洞与太阳、地球排成一条直线。
      12.spawn [sp??n] vt. 造成,引起,酿成13. drastic [?dr?st?k; ?drɑ?st?k] adj. 激烈的,猛烈的
      14. scenario [s??nɑ?ri??] n. 局面
      15. herald [?her?ld] vt. 预示……的来临
      16. horoscope [?h?r?sk??p] n. 星象(尤指某人诞生时各天体的位置)
      17. obliterate [??bl?t?re?t] vt. 消灭
      18. brown dwarf: 【天】棕矮星,褐矮星
      19. lethal [?li?θl] adj. 致死的;毁灭性的
      20. solar flare: 【天】太阳耀斑,日晕,日辉
      21. wax and wane: (影响等)交替增加和减少;盛衰
      22. Dresden Codex: 《德累斯顿法典》,包含了许多天文和历法信息,如日食、金星凌日以及太阳、月球、恒星的运动变化等。
      23. legit [l??d??t] adj. (= legitimate) 合法的;正统的

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